With the new year rapidly approaching, planning for your already established business or your new business idea should be on your agenda. It's not often you see anyone not make a new year resolution or a commitment openly to achieve more than the years before. 

Over the years small businesses have suffered great losses due to lack of funding, no potential investors, not enough capital to expand the business, not enough money to hire employees to help grow the business along with no business credit. Some aspiring entrepreneurs don't even have a business plan to even attract potential investors.

Always do your own research when it comes to business laws, business structures, business taxes and anything that can possibly be the downfall of your business. Start the new year off right by organizing your ideas, creating a spreadsheet or timeline that will help you establish a thriving business.

Inspiring stories on www.entrepreneur.com and www.forbes.com will show you examples of steps to take, how you can go from jobless to a successful entrepreneur. Get ready for 2016 and achieve!


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