UPDATED (December 16,2014 @ 8:24am est USA)
We apologize for publishing this article from what we thought was a creditable source as well as the individual himself. This story is now being reported as false. We do not believe in reporting false information or misleading infomation. This site is used to encourage, recognize and celebrate success of all ethnicities, races, backgrounds regardless of diversity.
Thank you - Antoinette Rogers, Publisher/Creator/Owner of Leading Billionaire Minds
Most high school students spend their lunch breaks eating, talking with friends, enjoying the break away from classwork and just relaxing before the next bell rings in order for them to head back to class. Mohammed Islam spends his lunch breaks paying attention to trading on the stock market, which recently gained him $72 million dollars! We often wonder how can I be a billionaire/millionaire or just enjoy the riches of life. He has proven to many that why others may be playing and eating; pay attention to what's going on that can make you enough money so you will be able to eat and play as much as you want. Read more here
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